The Big Idea
The purpose of this project is to illustrate every book of the NT with the entire Greek text. We believe My Bible Comics will become one of the favorite resources in helping students to read Koine Greek. We plan to produce both the digital (iOS/Android) and printed versions of the comics.
Current Project: Jesus’s Birth

Supporting Us
On average, it takes 4 days to create 1 page of comics (story board, draft, contour, color, light & shadows, text). So, a 44 page comics will take about 4-5 months of work. If you believe in what we do you can support us with one-time or recurring donations.
Working Process
Working on My Bible Comics is laborious yet fun process. It consist of two parts: (1) Research and (2) Illustrating
It all starts with the topic which then goes through detailed research: theological, historical, and cultural. We want our comics to be accurate on all levels.
After research is done, the story board is created. Here each story is divided into a series of snapshots from start to finish. Then the illustrator starts working on the draft, contour, and color. The final touches include shadows, light, and the placement of the text.